Guided Imagery
Recently, I participated in a 30 Day Decluttering Challenge. Now that my home has less stuff, my creativity is back!
We can express our authenticity through the way we arrange our homes.
What we all need is to experience a sense of welcome and comfort at home.
(Photo Courtesy of Pinterest)
Consider your own place. When you return home is your first thought about what needs to be fixed, organized, and cleaned? Or do you feel safe, content, and cozy?
Draw a picture of your favorite space.
What is it about this area that supports you?
Is it the right lighting, soft pillows, blankets with a history?
Now, think about places you've been to that drew you in, making you never want to leave.
What is one element that you can establish in your home to increase its charm, with your signature touch?
Imagine entering your home after a stressful day. You have minutes before dinner and a list of to do's before you crash in bed for the night. You can either push through and put everyone and everything else before yourself, or you can visit your self-care shelf. Don't have one yet? In my home there's a place where I keep items that bring me comfort. My journal and fancy pen, a beautiful tin of candies, Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Cream, my favorite essential oil, and a picture of the ocean where I swam with stingrays. What belongs on your self-care shelf? Allow yourself to close your eyes, and imagine yourself walking through your home. Start at the entrance of your home, visualize each room to identify the items that bring you feelings of warmth, those things that make you feel "at home". Imagine each of your senses being satisfied by the items you select. Sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. Now you've identified where the things are that make you feel "at home". If you choose, you may collect these things and place them on a shelf, or in a drawer. As you do, be mindful of the way each item brings you pleasure.
This year, I've set my intention to experience Self-Love. We are all doing our best. Share below how you are already nurturing yourself. We can learn from one another.